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Showing posts from December, 2006

Non-fiction versus fiction

I started maintaining a list of all the movies I have seen (in theatres that is, movies on television are not worth the effort) since the time I was 15. This has met with sufficient enough ridicule for me to extend this to my other passion – reading. A recent examination of the list confirms what I been feeling over the past few months, a lot of my reading is non-fiction nowadays. I have thinking about this, wondering what might be behind this. Is it a natural growth path in one’s reading habits (I have to do a random survey of friends for this), or is it that a lot of what i look for in reading these days is knowledge and information rather than entertainment. Is entertainment something I have reserved for only movies and television and can books hope to catch up with that. Inherent in this is an assumption that books can’t offer entertainment on the same scale as movies. That assumption sucks. So I guess I have been reading the wrong books. I am caught in an age and frame of min