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Showing posts from January, 2017
Dear Mr. Pahlaj Nihalani and other Censor Board Members, I went to see La La Land today, as the Adult rating really got me excited. I would give up my voting right to see Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone in an “A” movie. However I was shocked to find that there was nothing to sate my appetite. Nothing, nada, shunya. I am going to file a RTI application to see what made you give this an A rating. I sat through 130 minutes of a elegant, old fashioned, beautifully shot, romantic movie. Romance, wtf, where is the gratuitous sex that the rating promised. None, not even with sheets cautiously covering offending parts. Okay, probably my expectations were misplaced, atleast some nudity would have sufficed, my hopes were belied there too. There is more nudity on Big Boss or the streets of Bangalore where men freely grope and molest women. Now what do we have left, let’s go with abuses. I could have lived with a liberal use of the F word, something approaching 5% of Wolf of Wall